HUSCION 휴사이온은 인류의 건강과 행복을 위해 신소재 발견 및 신약개발에 노력을 다하고 있습니다.

논문 및 특허현황

Brain Diseases(15)

1. Eur J Pharmacol., 2015
2. Biol Pharm Bull., 2014
3. Cell Transplant., 2012

Immune Diseases(34)

1. Evid Based Complement
      Alternat Med., 2015
2. J Pharm Pharmacol, 2015
3. Eur J Pharmacol., 2009


1. Biomol Ther, 2015
2. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol., 2011
3. J Pineal Res., 2009


1. Arch Pharm Res., 2006
2. Arch Pharm Res., 2005


1. Biol Pharm Bull., 2017
2. Evid Based Complement
      Alternat Med., 2016
3. J Food Sci., 2014
4. J Agric Food Chem., 2012

- 72 publications including the above

Alzheimer’s Disease(2)

1.10-1732886, 2017
2. US20160022751A1, 2015

Atopic Dermatitis(2)

1. 10-1418916, 2014
2. PCT/KR2017/007966, 2017

Antioxidation, Antifungal Disease(2)

1. 10-2017-0025207, 2017
2. 10-2017-0025208, 2017

- 13 patents including the above